Running clinic
Our running injury clinic can help
1. Individual assessment of your biomechanics
- A 40 minute in depth assessment of your biomechanics including …
- Initial interview to understand your injury history, running demands and goals
- Whole body video analysis of your running technique
- In depth assessment of muscles and joints
- A 20 min discussion to feedback key findings from the assessment
- A written summary and analysis of your running technique
- A personalised exercise programme to meet your individual needs and goals
2. Running injury assessment and treatment
- Diagnosis of running injuries
- Management of your injury to aid optimal return to running
- A wide range of treatments including, soft tissue release, acupuncture, taping, insole provision aimed at keeping you running and meeting your goals

Physiotherapy is a science-based profession and takes a 'whole person' approach to health and wellbeing. Physiotherapists use their in-depth knowledge of how the body works to assess, diagnose and treat.